Landing page SAMPLE
Using my fictitious Furry Friends Pet Foods company as an example, someone searching for dog treats might click on the Furry Friend’s sampler offer. The link would take them to the Puptastic Sampler landing page, just one of many pages on the Furry Friends website. Landing pages provide information about a specific offer or item. They include a Call To Action when you provide an email address. Landing pages are the destination for most social media marketing.
Veterinarians Now Say Natural and Healthy Dog Treats Are Best. We Have Them!
If you’d like our free Trial Sampler, with shipping free too; you’ll get it tomorrow.
Puptastic Naturals Sampler includes:
● Bite-size treats of chicken, turkey, lamb, liver, and beef
● Vitamin E for dry skin relief
● Research scientist’s report on the benefits of natural whole foods for pets.
Commercial dog treats often contain fats, and fillers,
and chemical flavor enhancers.
Vets say it’s better to consider low-calorie, nonfat options.
Don’t wait. Let your pets enjoy our free Trial Sampler now!
Add your email address
You’ll Put On A Happy Face Too
With Puptastic Naturals Nearby.
Your dog is waiting. What are you waiting for?
Highlights of Landing page Copywriting
● Use an intriguing headline.
● Offer a lead magnet – give them something.
● Cite examples of what doesn’t work.
● Avoid lengthy copy. Make every word count.
● Give them a simple and quick Call to Action.
● Use an intriguing headline.
● Offer a lead magnet – give them something.
● Cite examples of what doesn’t work.
● Avoid lengthy copy. Make every word count.
● Give them a simple and quick Call to Action.
BTW, watch out for the BS factor. Don't say it if you can't prove it. That's like telling a prospect, "Play an accordion, go to prison. That's the law."